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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  December 2, 2013 11:00am-11:31am PST

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a very good morning to you. thanks so much for joining us. i'm laura garcia-cannon. we begin with a story that is new at 11:00. protesters out on the streets in the peninsula. they're upset a planned parenthood has opened up in their neighborhood. maryann, these people already have a petition going. >> reporter: absolutely. they say they have collected 1600 signatures in just 11 days from other people who agree, like them, that this planned parenthood clinic should not be located here. there are about 12 protesters who are out here right now. many have been here since 8:00 this morning. they say they plan to stay here until 6:00 tonight. planned parenthood plans to open
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this clinic in redwood city tomorrow afternoon. protesters say they are fighting that opening for several reasons. >> so we're very concerned about these three issues. you know, the lowering of our property values, our children being such young age and using their parents' consent, and the trouble i troubling plans. >> reporter: we did reach out to planned parenthood this morning. so far, we have not received a call back. reporting live in redwood city, maryann favro, nbc bay area news. >> thanks. natural gas will be flowing through the pipeline that has been at the center of controversy in san carlos. it went offline at the beginning of october after people worried about the safety of that line in the wake of 2010 explosion in san bruno. pg&e plans to start service on the pipeline today but at a much
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lower pressure than the pipe was designed for. police on the peninsula are investigating are crash that killed a pedestrian. it happened about 6:15 this morning near the highway 92 overpass in san mateo. a pedestrian was hit and killed at the scene. one of the involved cars stayed at the scene while the second car drove off. officers have since found that other car a few blocks away. it is expected to be a big step in the recovery for a bay area teen who was set on fire aboard a bus. today, sasha fleisman is set to return to school today. >> reporter: good morning to you. the director of the school says he's really excited to welcome sasha back on campus, but he says they really want to give the teen a lot of room, a lot of space to get back into the groove of being in class and being around so many friends. so as students arrived at the
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school here in berkeley, there were no parties or anything planned to welcome the 18-year-old back. sasha spent the morning at a doctor's appointment. we haven't seen the high school senior just yet. she doesn't identify as male or female, rather a gender, and made it home last week from the hospital after another teenager set her skirt on fire a month ago. her injuries required three surgeries. sasha told reporters that a self-protective lesson from kinder gakind er ga kind kind kindergarden to stop, drop, and roll may have saved her life. >> it sounds like sasha is healing well given the nature of the horrific accident. incredibly -- i mean, not totally surprised but just overjoyed at the outpouring of individuals and community
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organizations that have shown so much support and, you know, offered to give so much to help sasha. >> reporter: now, the 16-year-old suspect is richard thomas. sasha believes he should not be prosecuted as an adult, saying, i think it was really just a dumb thing he did. that's what sasha said. the director at the school say sasha is such an outstanding student, there should be no problem catching up with all the school work. reporting live in berkeley, christie smith. >> thanks. in san francisco, police are on the lookout for the suspect involved in a deadly shooting lic linked to a robbery on bay shore boulevard near the mission district around 3:30 yesterday afternoon. the victim, a 22-year-old man, arranged online to meet up with another man interested in buying a game console. when the buyer showed up, police say he stole the console then shot the victim seven times. the victim was taken to sf general hospital where he died a short time later.
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police have not released a description of the suspect, but they are looking into possible surveillance video from nearby businesses. investigators are learning more about what possibly caused a deadly commuter train crash on sunday in new york. at least four people were killed, and more than 60 others injured when the metro-north car jumped its tracks on a sharp curve in the bronx. nbc bay area's jay gray has more. >> reporter: investigators continue to work through the battered rail cars and twisted metal at the accident site. >> it's your worst nightmare. people get on a train in the morning, they think they're going to have just another day, and then tragedy strikes. >> reporter: four riders died when the train left the tracks sunday morning, 63 were injured. >> a couple people were hurt very badly right in front of me, yeah. literally, the woman in front of me, she was bleeding from her head pretty bad. we really couldn't get out. >> reporter: passengers and others have suggested speed may have played a factor as the train failed to negotiate a sharp turn in the tracks.
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the conductor injured in the accident has said the braking system failed. ntsb investigators hope to formally interview him today and are anxious to review data from the black box recovered in the wreckage. >> we'll know the speed of the train. we'll also know what brake applications may have been as well as the throttle settings. >> reporter: key elements of an investigation expected to last a week to ten days. jay gray, nbc news, new york. this morning, a makeshift memorial is growing for paul walker as investigators try to pinpoint the cause of the crash that killed him. we have new video overnight showing the memorial that's popped up at light pole where a red porsche crashed and burst into flames in valencia. the "fast & furious" actor was a passenger in the car at the time of the crash. his friend, roger rodas, was behind the wheel and also died. shards of glass and pieces of twisted metal are still scattered at the crash site. investigators are still trying to figure out the cause of that
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fiery wreck. they say speed is likely a factor in the crash, but they've not said exactly how fast the car was going or if there was something in the road that caused the driver to swerve. new details about a possible connection between a palo alto veteran being held in north korea and a once-secret operation during the korean war. merrill newman reportedly served in a secret unit during the war. information about the operation was was declassified in the early '90s when a retired colonel started writing a book about it. the unit was said to have trained anti-communist gur ril las to fight behind enemy lines. this photo reportedly shows newman posing with former gur ril las. one said newman trained him. a political science professor says it does not matter why they detained him. what matters is that they did. >> what matters is that they now have a bargaining chip vis-a-vis the u.s. government.
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although no one's going to say outlewd that's what it is, i'm quite certain that both sides know exactly that's what it is. >> according to reuters, newman went to south korea twice in the past decade, but this was his first known trip to the north. vice president joe biden will stop in south korea this week during his week-long visit to asia. as of now, there's no word whether he's discuss or meet with anyone regarding merrill newman and his arrest in north korea. the vice president plans to participate in a ceremony honoring u.s. troops who died during the korean war. over the weekend, the white house released a statement asking for the release of newman and kenneth bae, another american held in the communist country. we have more on this story on our website at just search merrill newman. people across the country recognize the progress that's been made in the fight against hiv during world a.i.d.s. day, but activists say there's still more work to do. about 600 people gathered at the
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a.i.d.s. memorial grove at golden gate park yesterday marking the 25th annual world a.i.d.s. day. people also attended a showing of a documentary called "we were here," chronicling the a.i.d.s. epidemic. >> the wonderful thing is that where people have access to health care, there are treatments now that keep people from being very sick and from dying. but people are still dying from a.i.d.s. all over the world. >> today, 35 million people worldwide are living with hiv, but it's estimated only a third of those who could benefit from the hiv drugs actually receive them. still to come, dozens of kids sickened during a national football tournament, most of them from california. what the kids are saying, next. and it's cyber monday, a sort of old-fashioned term. we'll look at that coming up in business and tech. plus, after delays because of bad weather, prince harry and injured soldiers now on their way to the south pole. and today's our last day
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before it starts to feel like the south pole here in the bay area. there is a cold snap headed our way. temperatures are going to fall from the 50s at this time of day into the 30s. it is going to be frigid. we'll let you know how long it's going to last and what it could mean for where you live. we could see some damage out of this. when nbc bay area news at 11:00 comes right back.
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welcome back, everyone. we're now hearing from some of the youth football players sickened during a tournament in las vegas over the long weekend. players from santa monica returned yesterday, some of them still feeling the effects of what health officials think was the norovirus. during the championships, as many as 100 players, coaches, and parents on nine different teams suffered flu-like
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symptoms. two california teams accounted for a majority of those cases. 50 people with the santa monica team were sickened. >> i could barely even walk. >> everybody started throwing up. >> when did you get sick? >> thursday night. at the hospital, they gave us little pills to take to stop me from throwing up. >> poor little ones. well, despite the illnesses, the santa monica team still took second place. only a small amount of people attending the tournament were affected. there were about 7,000 people in vegas for that four-day event. well, this week, sonoma county supervisors are expected to decide whether or not to build a memorial for 13-year-old andy lopez. deputies say they ordered him to drop his weapon, which was an air soft bb gun. sonoma county supervisors are expected to vote tomorrow on whether to consider plans to create a park in lopez's name. tonight, officials with an east bay school district will hold a special meeting to talk
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about the issue of bullying. it comes after a fight between three female students and a transgender student last week. the public meeting is being held on mcdonald avenue in richmond. it starts at 6:30 and will focus primarily on whether or not the district needs to update its zero-tolerance practices and policies on harassment. all the students involved in the fight were suspended, and as of now, people are not calling the incident a hate crime. it is cyber monday, the day when online retailers hope you will shop for deals from your computer. scott mcgrew, these days just about every day is a cyber shopping day. >> yeah, good morning. these days buying something online really is not that unusual. it's pretty much standard practice, right? the whole cyber idea is kind of old fashioned, like being amazed you bought something with a credit card. that probably was amazing some decades ago. but we didn't have to have a pretend holiday about it. the term cyber monday, in fact, harkens way back to when we
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didn't have computers at home because they were too expensive. so we'd sneak some online shopping in at work where they did have computers. now nowadays, of course, you have a computer in your pocket. amazon says it'll start delivering some packages by drone in as soon as five years. they released this video showing you how it works. amazon ceo jeff bezos made that announcement on "60 minutes" last night. we'll find out in five years if this is just self-promotion or a real thing. the timing was certainly good. four years ago, "60 minutes" had a gloeg report over a silicon valley company called bloom energy, which promised we'd have tiny little emission-free power plants in our backyards. that was four years ago. i don't see them yet. whether or not we'll have drones in five, we'll see. back to you. >> all right. thanks so much, scott. well, bart's two largest unions could file suit this week over the disputed new contract
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with bart. representatives for the agencies tell the examiner they are close to filing, though it likely will not happen today. they're upset about the bart board of director's recent vote to remove the family medical leave provision from the agreed-upon provision. bart says the provision was accidently included in the signed agreement and could cost the agency as much as $10.5 million per year. the unions also have the option of striking for a third time this year. britain's prince harry along with teams of injured soldiers from the u.s., u.k., and the commonwealth are racing towards the south pole. nbc's ben fogle has more from london on the walking with the wounded 2013 south pole allied challenge. >> reporter: well, after several days of delays due to bad weather conditions and the logistics of hauling thousands of pounds of gear and all the team members from novo, the russian base in ant art can.
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they're finally underway on their race to the south pole. >> every single person who's taking part in the challenge is extraordinary. the fact these guys have made it to this point is extraordinary. you know, i count myself incredibly lucky to be part of it. >> reporter: they'll be covering a distance of 175 miles, which should take about 15 days. they set off in near perfect conditions. a balmy minus 17 degrees fahrenheit. that's about minus 31 degrees fahrenheit with the windchill. of course, prince harry is joined out there by alexander skars guard. it begs the final question, will they let him win? back to you. >> perfect conditions at minus 17. my goodness. christina, we're certainly spoiled here. >> we are. you know what? it's going to be cold, and people are going to be complaining about it.
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we do get it much easier here in the bay area. i want to show you the way that the day is shaping up. right now san francisco is clearing out nicely. just an hour ago we were socked in with fog. a lot of clearing across the bay area. right now we're in the 50s. we're headed towards the 60s. almost uniform numbers later on today. but this is the last day of the mid-60s. things are going to change, and they're going to change quickly as a cold front starts to move through tonight. just want to give you a little taste of tomorrow before we get into your forecast. 69 degrees in morgan hill today. tomorrow, 53 degrees is the high. in livermore, 68 today. 52 tomorrow. san francisco will not be spared. it's going to be cold in the city as well. today, 64. down to 56 degrees as we get into your tuesday. this is going to come on pretty quickly. cold front moves through as we head throughout tonight. as this front comes through, it's going to kick up some gusty winds. tonight will be windy. the wind will continue for tomorrow as well. the cold is going to settle in for at least three days. this is what we're expecting for tuesday. daytime temps tumble 10 to 15
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degrees. we'll see a mix of sun and clouds. then the widespread frost moves in as we get into your wednesday. very, very cold. wait until i show your seven-day forecast, just how cold it's going to be. almost unbelievable that it's happening this early in the season. so this is what we are expecting. i show your inland valley seven-day forecast. temperatures falling into the low 30s overnight. now, thursday looks like the coldest day. we're only going to break into the upper 40s on thursday afternoon. then the good news, laura, is we start to gradually warm up friday into this upcoming weekend. but hey, 57 degrees still feeling very cold compared to what we're expecting for today. as we head throughout the next couple days, it's going to be pretty frost frosty. make sure you have your windshield ready to go with a credit card or something to get that ice off. i can tell you right now, sensitive plants, pipes could burst. just a lot of things we need to keep in mind as this cold air settles in. back to you. >> all right. well, you've warned us. we'll bundle up. thanks so much, christina. still to come, a piece of olympic history up for grabs.
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the famous gold medal headed for the auction block.
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welcome back, everyone. a good monday morning to you. isn't it beautiful? a live look outside over san francisco right now. it is so clear out there. the sun is shining. a beautiful early day of december. better get ready for christmas. the 49ers are going to spend the week gearing up for a huge matchup at candlestick park sunday against the seahawks. but yesterday was all about beating the rams. big welcome back to wide receiver michael crabtree as
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kaepernick found him down the sideline for 60 yards. crabtree finished with two catches for 68 yards on the day. in the fourth quarter, kaepernick connects with vernon davis who hurdles into the end zone. 49ers beat the rams 23-13, taking over sole possession of second place in their division. one of the most famous gold medals in olympic history is up for grabs. one of track and field star jesse owens' four golds won at the 1936 berlin games is up for sale in an online auction. owens took home the gold in the 100 and 200 meters and the 400 replay and long jump. the one on the auction block is his world record-setting 100-yard dash. the medal could sell for up to $1 million. the olympic games in sochi, russia, less than 70 days away. skier lindsey vonn says she's doing everything she can to be there. she announced yesterday she will delay further surgery on her right knee with the hopes of skiing at the games. she tore ligaments in her knee
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during a high-speed accident at the world championships back in february, forcing her to have surgery two reconstruct it. vonn just started skiing on that new knee a few weeks ago, but she says she knows eventually she will have to have more surgeries. she's just hoping to wait until after the games to do that. well, we've talked a lot about cyber monday. it looks like the oakland a's are trying to get in on the action. this morning at 10:00 the team started selling opening night tickets. the a's are hoping recent success will make this the perfect stocking stuffer. opening night at, march 31st against the cleveland indians. still to come, a bird goes wild with a go-pro. the incredible images all caught on camera.
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welcome back, everyone. have you seen this yet? a bird's eye view.
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check it out. a brazen bird swoops up a video camera. it was set up to watch crocodiles in australia. yeah, look at that. the sea eagle carried the camera nearly 70 miles. just flew off with it across the country's remote landscape. you can see the wings flapping around there. the bird eventually set that camera down and then kind of pokes at it. i guess wondering what it was. it's kind of cool. so clear too. wildlife rangers set up the motion-censored camera along the river back in may, but it disappeared soon after. so i don't know how they eventually found it to record it. maybe it had like a beacon on it. beacon. pun intended, kind of. >> very good. he's disappointed that thing isn't food, isn't he? >> no kidding. it's not what i thought. thanks so much for joining us this morning. our next newscast is coming up tonight at 5:00. you can also get the latest investigation all day long at have a great day.
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on the subject "why i love tgs?" please tell me it's not-- - the annual tgs viewer walk-on contest. it's great promotion, lemon. we found that if someone is actually on nbc, they're 4% more likely to watch it. - really? we're doing this again? after what happened last year? - gassy patsy, you can't eat-- - [robotic voice] keep the white house white. [audience boos] - you know who enters these walk-on contests? weirdos. - read the essays, lemon. it's not going to kill you. - oh, really? 'cause this one is typed on the inside of a bloody halter top. - just pick one. and while you're at it, which one of these ties do you prefer? - i thought you said a man should never wear pastel unless he's a black guy on easter. - usually, but i'm going on the today show to talk about avery, and i need to tone down my natural aura of strength and sexual dominance. which wasn't going to happen with the tie i was going to wear. - [gasps] oh, my. [stammers]


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